The Fast franchise legit lost me once we got cars in space. The problem is probably me: I'm trying to apply logical to the illogical. It's become a parody of itself.

Regarding the sacred three: F5 > F7 > F6 imo. F5 is gonzo enough to make you go WTF did they just do? But still plausibly believable if you squint. It's perfection basically.

I lived with a cyst on my right side for like 15 years. It would be dormant for years and then randomly get all inflamed for no freaking reason. Ballooned out a few years ago and finally went to the doc. They drained it and then removed it (at my request). There was a lot of squeezing and it was hella uncomfortable, but as Scotty P taught us: no ragrets. Although, it would've been much easier to remove when it was the size of a dime, so maybe some ragret.

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you're not alone in that!!! i can't help but hold some fondness for all their insanity but i really do get it. fast five is probably one of two "actual good movies" in the entire series, and i love that it happens to have a scene where dom and brian drag an enormous vault through the streets of rio. just great kooky stuff!!!

omg i'm so glad your cyst is gone now... i have a removal scheduled for next week (finally!) and it actually makes me feel so much better to hear other people's non horror stories!!! i appreciate you!!!

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Sorry about your cyst but why no love for Cipher? Her fight with Letty was the best thing since the Ronda Rousey fast 7 fight!

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i am simply not a fan but i respect those who are!

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I know I set the bar real high for you but this may be one of my favorite posts yet! More using BM as your public journal so I can laugh at the hijinx you’ve gotten up to

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ANYTHING for my west coast correspondent <3

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I am about to watch my first(!!) Fast & Furious movie this weekend and this got me so pumped, cannot wait. Sorry about this terrible cyst business though!!!

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omg are you starting with fast x or going back to the beginning??? i am so excited for you, they are cuckoo crazy. and thank you!!!! hopefully getting it handled (read: cut out) soon!

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Starting with the very first!! Remains to be seen if I'll make my way through all of 'em, but figured it was high time to AT LEAST dip a toe in the water

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YES!!!! great choice!!! the first one is genuinely pretty good in a normal way and then around... i’d say 4/5 they go totally off the rails. i hope you enjoy!

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