If you haven’t covered it yet, this is my formal pitch to theorize on Boondock Saints, THEE Boy Movie for me.

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omg i haven't even seen it if you can believe that!!! ADDED TO THE LIST

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Would HAPPILY do a discussion with you about this one. I actually have very embarrassing photos with the leads and director from 2009 to share. 😂

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This awakened a core memory I have of seeing “Drive” on opening day with my sister, at the time a high school senior & junior.

We were so moved that we sat in silence transfixed as the credits rolled. When our mom picked us up from the suburban movie theater we didn’t speak one word to her the whole ride home. We both intuitively knew that to talk about the effect “Drive” had upon us would somehow cheapen it. We had to sit in that glow of Art a little while longer.

A day later we were finally able to compare notes: My sister (a theater kid) was particularly transfixed by Goslings performance & I (a film kid) was stunned by Refn’s direction.

I see lots of parallels with your & Cassidy’s conversation that may be inspiring a rewatch!

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I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! genuinely iconic of you to be so moved by the direction when you were in high school, as cassidy said she's more of the directors person out of the two of us so i'm definitely still working on noticing things that i like about directing in movies. can't recommend enough the experience of rewatching — i noticed so much more as an adult than i did when i was younger!

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