I intended to make today’s Boy Movies (which WOULD have been the 25th issue if this were a real issue, but it’s NOT) about a certain film about a certain sneaker that I recently saw, but I have to be honest with you, my beloved subscribers: I have been “busy” (aka I had like two things back to back and I’m acting like I was recruited for war) and I’m tired. I do have some thoughts on the sneaker movie that I’ll share next week, but in the meantime I’m using this lazy issue to put out a call to you all. That’s right, I’m making YOU do the work. Who do I think I am?
I often receive messages from friends and loved ones that say something along the lines of “you should write about x on Boy Movies,” to which I always reply, “Great idea!” without writing it down (because I’m stupid) and forget it forever. So if there’s anything you’ve ever wanted to see Boy Movies cover — movies, of course, but any other requests or questions in the general arena (interpret “general arena” however you choose) are more than welcome, too — please do let me know. (Also, if you’re a writer who’s ever been interested in contributing to this newsletter in any capacity… let’s talk!) It’d be great to know what people want to see, especially considering that the alternative is me continuing to scream into the void. For example, if you do or do not want to see my long-threatened 5000 word Jeremy Strong issue, NOW is the time to speak up.
You can reply directly to this email, hit up the comments section, or even DM me on Twitter. I’d love to hear from you. Finally, here’s a photo of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon that I think about constantly.
Have you written yet about the distinction between "boy movies" and "dad movies," if one exists? The sneaker movie and Top Gun Maverick have both been referred to as "dad movies" a lot, and I for one am curious about what makes a dad movie a dad movie. I assume it has something to do with that shirt Matt Damon's wearing
This summer, 80-year-old boy movie icon Harrison Ford is heading a blockbuster. You take a look at his career, or even the entire subsubgenre of old-man action heroes